In addition she is breaking the fourth wall this is done so, teenage girl fans can feel they are specifically been spoken by Taylor so it creates a connection between her and the fans. There is a relationship between the visuals and the lyrics of the song, the lyrics sung are, 'to fall in love with strangers'.Another mid shot of Taylor is shown at the same time with her making a heart shaped hand gesture and a heart is connoted with love and happiness.Also the lyrics of the song are about love and friendship and this is highlighted throughout the video and is a genre characteristic of the Pop genre.

The video then cuts to another setting of a house with a pool, this includes Taylor and her friends laying on sun loungers. Taylor has a red towel, whereas the other 4 girls all have blue,which relates to the title of the album which the track is on, 'Red'. Also it makes her stand out as she is the main focus of the video because she is the Pop artist and her image is what people relate to when they hear her song. When it gets to the chorus of the song the music changes, the beat of the song increases and bass gets deeper and this relates to the visuals with the confetti and they begin to dance creating a more happier and exciting feel to the music video. Also she makes the hand gesture of '2' which relates to the lyrics of the song, '22'.Taylor and her friends dance in the video which is genre characteristic of the Pop genre however this not a serious choreographed routine with a serious feel it is more relaxed and fun which connects with the song.
Moreover the lyrics and the visuals again relate to each other, a close up is shown of Taylor with heart shaped sunglasses on which connotes love but the style of them is fun and retro.The lyrics, 'but i'll bet you want to' on 'you' points to the camera which is

cinematography are shots of Taylor to show she is the most important person in the video and highlighting tot he viewer whop she is, an example is a 3/4 shot of Taylor posing on the beach as the sun is setting. This could also show her personality reflecting in the scene of it been a calm night and having fun which relates to the song title,'22' which is an age of having no care and enjoying life with no worries.

Furthermore the mid shot of Taylor walking through a house with her friends, she has a light shining down on her making her dress sparkle and stand out. Also it making her friends fade into the black background highlighting as it has done throughout the music video that she is the main attraction. The wide shot of Taylor dancing on the table makes her stand higher in the scene of the house party compared to the other friends dancing on the floor, this instagates she has more power because of her Pop star status. In addition this shot amplifies the sense of being young and having fun that the song and video have been showing throughout.
Lastly the wide shot of Taylor jumping in the pool relates to the song of her having no care and just living for the moment which at the age of,'22' most people do. This also is a message to her fans when they get to this age or right now they should act like this and just have fun.
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