At the very start of the music video a extreme close up is shown of Cheryl, this is to show her beauty and also it meets the demand of the record company to have lots of close ups of the artist, so the public know who she is. The music video demonstrates genre characteristics of pop, Cheryl is dancing in the video and there is also backing dancers. Moreover their is a relationship between lyrics and visuals, this is when Cheryl is dancing backwards and the lyrics are, 'are we sitting in reverse?'.

There is intertextual reference in the video when the scene cuts to Cheryl dressed in a black and red outfit which connotes, sexiness, love and danger which makes her look sexual, 'voyeurism'. There are words printed on the wall in the video which reads, 'A Ray Kay Vice'. After researching i found that he is a Norwegian director and photographer who works in LA and is also a music video and commercial director, he must of directed this music video.
The extreme close up of her lips, which are covered in red lip gloss also connote love which relates to the title of the song which includes, 'love'. In addition the mid shot of Cheryl shows another costume change which is a genre characteristic of the Pop genre. Also she has commodity status because of her looks which appeals to her audience of young females but also males who want to look at her, 'scopophillia'.
Moreover the wide shot of Cheryl and her dancers, are shown dancing to a routine to the up beat tempo of the music which shows a relationship between the two. The mise en scene in the video of another outfit that she is wearing is a, soldier outfit that relates to the British soldiers who work in London, highlighting that she is British and a strong woman. Also the outfit is tight fitting which gives her sex appeal for the male audience to watch the music video, 'voyeurism', and the lyrics are also shown in the background when she is singing to show a relationship between them.
Moreover the wide shot of Cheryl and her dancers, are shown dancing to a routine to the up beat tempo of the music which shows a relationship between the two. The mise en scene in the video of another outfit that she is wearing is a, soldier outfit that relates to the British soldiers who work in London, highlighting that she is British and a strong woman. Also the outfit is tight fitting which gives her sex appeal for the male audience to watch the music video, 'voyeurism', and the lyrics are also shown in the background when she is singing to show a relationship between them.
In addition the use of depth of field is used is used in the close up of Cheryl's hands when she clenches them into fists and everything else is out of focus, this relates to the song being played at the time, they lyrics are 'Is sure enough worth fighting for'.
The mid shot of her chest/torso is just shown in the video again creating sex appeal and giving the audience something to look at. Also this shown with another shot of her in leather trousers and her bum is again in focus amplifying her to a beautiful sexy woman. The relationship between the lyrics and visual in the music video are shown again, ' all you can do is make the best of it now'. When she sings this,in the video a mid shot of her point to the screen when the lyric, 'you' is sung, this also is breaking the 4th wall with the audience by pointing at them, creating a closer relationship with her fans.
The male dancers included in the video amplifies that she is singing about a man.This is also supported by the two shot of her and a dancer holding each other when the lyrics,' There's always a place in me you can call home' are played. The shot is showing that she is supportive towards people she loves and cares for. Furthermore the mise en scene in the video shows her with a corset on which is stereotypically seen to be a sexy outfit and the spikes included on the side show she is feisty and strong making her a figure for her fans to look up to but also for men to look at her .

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